Computing @ 40's

Trying to overcome the obsolescence

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This June of 2013 is being a pretty good time for people interested in Java and Java EE.

Almost at the same time three of the most important technologies I am using nowadays are releasing new major versions:

  • Oracle released Glassfish 4 on June 12th: you can find a short article with the new features in
  • Eclipse is going to launch Eclipse Kepler on June 26th, as always very punctual on their releases. Really i wish that Kepler will make us forget all the troubles that came with Juno release.
  • People developing JBoss are launching the Alpha version of Richfaces 5. With this version I expect that this framework will become mature and will begin to explode the components available in it.

So, three of the pillars of my current work are now publishing important new versions. I expect to include them in our company projects in the next months.

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Eclipse Juno and it’s poor performance

Hi again.

During the last months some things have happened and unfortunately I couldn’t be concentrated enough to write more articles here. Starting by my computer’s total-crash at summer and a new project that I began at WordPress (a diving blog, called El set mars de Rhye, in catalan), finally I have some time to sit down and write, and I wanted to end this year resuming the work in this blog with just a little one talking about Eclipse Juno and some problems of performance I have experienced with it. To read it just follow this link.

Also I want to comment that during this last month this blog have arrived to 1.100 visits, so I want to thanks to Google to make people to arrive here. But also I would like to know if my visitors have found the few (by now) articles here useful enough or not. Until now I had only one comment 😦 . So please make any comment or criticism and I will thank you the rest of your life.

Finally, we are leaving 2012, a very hard year in many senses. I wish all people in the world to have a nice and happy 2013. This world will continue to be imperfect, but we can help to avoid it with just little steps. No fears, no prepotence, no injustice.

Just sing and smile.

Cardedeu 28/12/2012